page 336, AtGW by Tony Robbins. based on The Books of Questions.
1. What is your most treasured memory?
2. If you could end world hunger today by killing one innocent person, would you? Why and why not?
3. If you bumped a red Porsche and scratched it, and no one was around, would you leave a note? Why and why not?
4. If you could earn $10,000 for eating a bowlful of live cockroaches, would you? Why and why not?
** personally, I think this is kinda tough questions, and it really need proper evaluation **
" A man's character is his guardian divinity " - Heraclitus
page 342.
If we want the deepest level of life fulfillment, we can achieve it in only one way : By Deciding Upon What We Value Most in Our Life, what our highest value are, and then Committing to Live by Them every single day. Unfortunately, this action is far too rare in today's society.
Too often, people have no clear idea of what's important to them. The waffle on any issue; the world is a mass of gray to them; They Never Take a Stand for Anything or Anyone.
5 years ago
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