Tuesday, January 19, 2010

What Is A SOULMATE And How To Attract Our SOULMATE

Every individual has a set of values, a set of priorities that they live their life by.
Everybody creates their soul mate according to the hierarchy of their values,they also have a search image based on all the experience they’ve had with a relationship, anything that tend to support their values they tend to put into a composite image they’re searching for..anything that ‘s challenging they tend to avoid, having a built-in kind of filter trying to find this person who will fulfill them. If you’ve had a series of relationships in the past that have been very painful,very challenging, you will accumulate association with that to avoid that in the picture..

As a result of that, even if you say you want this..you want that..in your relationship..
if you don’t know what you real values are, you don’t know what you’re really about, you will actually be seeking something that’s not true to you and you keep frustrate yourself because you keep creating what your values dictate, and if you’ve had pain dealing with one on one relationship for periods, you will automatically disburse all the traits you’re looking for into many people..

He then gave a real life example of one girl he met on a plane who's looking for 22 personality traits in a guy only to find out that all of these traits are in many different people in her life all along.She then did some soul-searching with the dr.'s help and 3 weeks later found her soulmate..

Soulmate is always in the form of either one or many,soulmate is always present, it’s never missing, but we don’t honor it

As long as there’s more pain with one person in the past than many, you’ll keep disbursing it.
If you are able to see the blessings in all relationship,how they give u guidance,gave u feedback in being who u are and you are not infatuated with freedom and fantasies about relationship, the soulmate’s available to you and will manifest very quickly .

Our soulmate is a person who complements us and helps us grow the most.We don’t grow by getting the things that support, we grow the most we get support and challenge. A soulmate is the one who gives perfect complementation of support and challenge. If we have more similarities than differences, we’ re infatuated.If we see more differences than similarities, we resent them.But if we have a perfect blend of similarities and differences, agreements and disagreements, we get true love which is maximizing our growth process.

Because we get nothing but support if stay juvenile,infatuated and blind. When we get nothing but challenge,we become withdrawn.But if we put the two things together, we get awesome lovemaking, which keeps us enduring a patient relationship.That’s the secret and that’s why a soul mate has the combination things we’re looking for and things that make us grow in challenges.
And we attract people who have complementary values many times, so we’re seeking that to support our values and also attract that challenge our values...because the things we need is also things that we have low areas in our values so we can attract some and we can delegate utilitarian purposes to.

It’s not what they do,it’s your perception of your support and challenge.If you get too much support, you get bored, If you get too much challenge, you get burned out.
So a maximum relationship occurs in the middle of bored and burned out.When you see thing that’s supporting you, how is it challenging you.When you see things that’s challenging you, how is it supporting you.

The soul is no question.There’s nothing but love and serenity.
When you first get with somebody, the way you know you’re infatuated, is you start sacrificing the thing that’s important to you to be with them and start feeling the loss of them...if you start feeling the loss of them, you’re infatuated.and when you’re trying to be somebody you’re not to be with them, to keep them, you’re not being yourself and you will accumulate moments of resentment that you will download on that person and punish them because of the things you thought you sacrificed because you were not able to be yourself during the infatuation periods.

And then you wanna change them and this is undermining the relationship.
When you're doing what you love and loving what you do and be true to yourself, you have the highest probability to attract a mate.When you're trying to be somebody you’re not,you’re automatically undermining, because now you got to go back being yourself and hope that they still love you. Be inspired by your own life and empower your own life.

Ask yourself this question when you meet a guy/girl who’s hot. You might ask..”what’s in it for them to be with me”
if you’re not empowered in all areas of your own life,you’re not offering something. Any areas in your life that you’re disempowering is the area they’re gonna control.So you wanna make sure you’re empowered in your own life so you have the package to deal.Because they're never committed to you in a relationship, that’s a fantasy most people stuck with. They are for you to offer in fulfilling their values.

Once you realize that, you have to offer your values,in their value system to be able be something that they still wanna be with.If you don’t do that, and take it for granted..you start projecting your values on then and expect them to live according to your life and you guide, you start undermining the relationship and you’re pushing them to the door. You gotta find what their values are,you gotta honor them, you gotta learn to communicate yours in term of theirs to get what you want, and in the process of doing that, you get to experience love, and always keep it balanced,that’s the only way to keep a stable relationship.

Infatuation is what makes us blind,not love. When you love, there is no space and time.
When you’re infatuated with them, you’re too humble to admit what u see in them is what's inside you, when you’re resenting them, you’re too proud to admit what you see in them is what’s inside you.but when you love them, you don’t have to pry self righteousness or the humbleness that way,you just see eye to eye in a relationship because you understand and have a respect for their unique values.

If you can't respect them for what they’re dedicated to,you’re not ready for a relationship with them, because if that’s who they are, you gotta love them for who they are and not what you fantasize that you’re gonna make them and punish them till they get there.

1 comment:

Febri Luh Ramadhan said...

for anyone who is looking for soulmate, please join the friendfinder!!

Just click here: http://friendfinder.com/search/g1197968-pct

guaranteed not to be sorry