Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Ok, as promised, though i volunteered.. it's still a promise to me so here they are..the 1st part of the 115's just a method to identify our top 4 emotional needs.I'll post the how -to once we've identified yours heheh..take your time though i really hope you'll include this evaluation as part of your restructuring plan ;)

What to do with these questions?? Just read the scenarios below,if the situation rings true for you,check the corresponding need that most resonates with you.You are looking for the underlying needs that drives the behavior.If the scenario is true for you but none of the needs listed sounds right,then skip it okie dokie :)

1. You need a balance of work and play in your life in order to feel your best. If you work too much, you lose your sense of humor. If you play too much, you tend to get lazy or apathetic.

  • Need for balance.
  • Does not apply.

2. You are at a party and two people start to argue. You feel uncomfortable and either try to smooth things over or shy away from the conflict.

  • Need to be accepted/liked.
  • Need for peace/harmony.
  • Does not apply.

3. You are always doing favors for other people, even at your own personal expense.

  • Need to be accepted/liked.
  • Need to be appreciated.
  • Need to be useful/needed.
  • Does not apply.

4. You keep others at arm’s length. You don’t want to get hurt.

  • Need to be accepted.
  • Need for safety/security.
  • Does not apply.

5. You are the kind of person who goes out of your way to help others, even though you don't really

have the time.

  • Need for peace/harmony.
  • Need to useful/needed.
  • Need to be responsible/do the right thing.
  • Does not apply.

6. You are constantly sending thoughtful notes, cards or gifts to family, friends and colleagues.

  • Need to be appreciated.
  • Need to be accepted/liked/included.
  • Need to loved/cherished.
  • Does not apply.

7. You hate being interrupted.

  • Need to be heard/listened to/communicate.
  • Need for control/power.
  • Does not apply.

8. People don’t take what you say seriously.

  • Need to be heard/listened to/understood.
  • Does not apply.

9. You feel like you are drowning-there are so many things vying for your attention that you have no time to pursue your true calling.

  • Need for order.
  • Need for balance/peace.
  • Need for clarity.
  • Does not apply.

10. You get irritable and cranky if your home is messy.

  • Need for order/tidiness.
  • Need for clarity.
  • Does not apply.

11. You can’t think clearly until your desk is cleaned off.

  • Need for order/tidiness.
  • Need for clarity.
  • Does not apply.

12. You find yourself volunteering in the community homeless shelter, the church, or some other charitable organization, but your family doesn't appreciate all you do for them and the work you do in the community.

  • Need to be needed/useful.
  • Need to be appreciated/liked/approved of.
  • Need to be responsible/have a cause or mission.
  • Does not apply.

13. When your boss micro-manages you, you feel suffocated. You think, ”Why can’t she/he trust me to do the job right?”

  • Need to be independent/free.
  • Need to be accepted/respected.
  • Need for power/control/authority.
  • Need to be right/deferred to.
  • Does not apply.

14. It annoys you that your spouse/partner doesn't do things for you, like loading the dishwasher unless you ask him/her.

  • Need to be cared for/supported/taken care of.
  • Need to be loved/cherished.
  • Does not apply.

15. You feel (fill in the blank) when your spouse or partner does small things around the house without your asking.

  • Cherished/loved.
  • Supported/taken care of.
  • Does not apply.

16. You get anxious or restless when you don't have a project to work on. You enjoy pushing the limits to see what can be done.

  • Need to accomplish/achieve.
  • Need to be busy/work.
  • Need to have a cause or mission/responsible.
  • Does not apply.

17. You get frustrated with bureaucracy that slows you down from getting results.

  • Need be free/independent.
  • Need to accomplish/achieve.
  • Need for power/control/authority.
  • Does not apply.

18. You find yourself eating out of the fridge or in front of the TV even though you are not really hungry.

  • Need to be cherished/loved.
  • Need to be nurtured/supported/taken care of.
  • Need for security/safety.
  • Need to be busy/work.
  • Does not apply.

19. People don't appreciate your point of view. You make a statement and nobody seems to hear you or understand you.

  • Need to be heard/listened to/understood.
  • Need to be recognized/get attention.
  • Need to be appreciated/valued.
  • Does not apply.

20. You always have to have the remote control.

  • Need to be in control/power.
  • Does not apply.

21. You can't stand it when your boss or colleague takes credit for what you've done.

  • Need to be recognized/get credit/noticed.
  • Need to be appreciated/acknowledged.
  • Does not apply.

22. You get very frustrated and/or upset if you don't get the recognition you deserve at work.

  • Need to be recognized/noticed.
  • Need to be appreciated/acknowledged/valued.
  • Does not apply.

23. You feel lonely and removed from people and lose the desire for sex when you are not in a relationship.

  • Need to be touched/held.
  • Need to be loved/cherished.
  • Does not apply.

24. You get furious/hurt/angry or disappointed if you find out your friends make plans without inviting you, even if you know you can't attend. You still want to be invited regardless.

  • Need to be included/liked.
  • Does not apply.

25. You get really upset or annoyed if people do things or make plans without your knowledge.

  • Need for power/control.
  • Need to know/clarity/be informed.
  • Does not apply.

26. You have plenty of money in the bank, but you still don’t feel secure. It is never enough somehow.

  • Need for security/safety.
  • Need for luxury/comfort.
  • Does not apply.

27. Nobody loves losing, but you really can't stand it. You have to win, even if it is just Monopoly or a card game for fun

  • Need to win/be the best.
  • Does not apply.

28. People say that you are too opinionated or bull-headed because you have to get your point across.

Need to be heard/communicate.

  • Need to be right/understood.
  • Need to be responsible/do the right thing/duty.
  • Need to win.
  • Does not apply.

29. You have been known to tell your spouse or partner which way to turn out of the driveway.

  • Need to control.
  • Does not apply.

30. You like it when your boss, family and friends approve of what you do and find it disturbing if they don't.

  • Need to be accepted/approved of.
  • Need to be appreciated/valued.
  • Does not apply.

31. At parties and social gatherings, you need to be the center of attention and will tell jokes, sing songs, do silly stuff, or wear clothes that are guaranteed to attract attention.

  • Need to be recognized/get attention/be seen/noticed.
  • Does not apply.

32. You find it hard to do nothing and prefer, even when on vacation, to work on some project or another.

  • Need to be useful/needed.
  • Need to accomplish/achieve.
  • Need to be busy/work.
  • Does not apply.

33. If you don't have at least ten minutes of quiet time a day to yourself, the rest of the day is off kilter.

  • Need for peace/balance/be alone.
  • Does not apply.

34. It is vital for you to be in a position of power or authority. You need to be the one in charge whether at work or at home.

  • Need to control/power/authority.
  • Does not apply.

35. You can't be in a relationship unless your partner/spouse is faithful to you. An open marriage wouldn't work for you.

  • Need to be in control/power.
  • Need for responsibility/duty/loyalty.
  • Need to be loved/cherished.
  • Does not apply.

36. You are a perfectionist and can't abide it when things go afoul.

  • Need for perfection/order.
  • Does not apply.

37. You find yourself shopping several times a week. You get a high from shopping, but then feel guilty afterwards because you are buying on credit and know you can't pay off your credit card balance. Still you continue to shop, knowing you really shouldn't.

  • Need to be loved/cherished.
  • Need for luxury/comfort/abundance.
  • Does not apply.

38. You go into restaurants even when you are not planning to eat there, just to see if there is anyone you know dining there.

  • Need to be seen/admired/recognized/known.
  • Does not apply.

39. You can't sleep at night unless you've checked to make sure all the doors are locked.
  • Need for safety/security.
  • Does not apply.

40. You have a stockpile of canned goods and household supplies on hand.

  • Need for luxury/comfort/abundance.
  • Need for security/safety.
  • Does not apply.

41. You feel compelled to always do the right thing, no matter what.

  • Need for honesty/integrity.
  • Need for duty/responsibility/justice.
  • Does not apply.

42. Although you hate to admit it, you don't go on a second date with a person if they didn't pick up the tab on the first date. You much prefer being treated and feel that they can't be all that interested in you if they didn't treat.

  • Need to be supported/cared for.
  • Need to be loved/cherished.
  • Does not apply.

3. You love gossip. You can’t resist passing on a juicy tidbit.

  • Need to be recognized/get attention/known.
  • Need to be included/accepted/liked.
  • Need to be heard/communicate/tell stories.
  • Does not apply.

44. You naturally expect people to bring presents to your birthday party and feel miffed if someone doesn't bring one.

  • Need to be cared for/supported.
  • Does not apply.

45. You would never eat at a restaurant where the service was lousy, even though the food was superb.

  • Need to be cared for/attended to/supported.
  • Need for luxury/comfort.
  • Does not apply.

46. You need to know that your lover/partner/spouse desires you. It isn't enough that he/she says so. You want demonstrable evidence before you are satisfied.

  • Need to be supported/cared for.
  • Need to be touched/caressed.
  • Need to be cared for.
  • Does not apply.

47. You tend to find yourself in messes or problems, but fortunately, someone comes along to rescue you or help you out.

  • Need to be saved/supported.
  • Does not apply.Numbered List

48. You ask leading questions in order to get a compliment, such as, “How do you like my dress/suit/hair?”.

  • Need to be loved/cherished/desired/adored.
  • Need to be admired/recognized.
  • Need to be complimented/appreciated.
  • Need to be supported/encouraged
  • Does not apply.

49. You need a commitment before you can do your best work or be your best self-whether that is a job contract or a marriage contract.

  • Need for security/safety.
  • Need for clarity/certainty.
  • Does not apply.

50. After a bad day, nothing makes you feel better than being held tenderly.

  • Need to be touched/held.
  • Need to be supported/cared for.
  • Need to be loved/cherished/desired.
  • Does not apply.

1. Life feels blah if you don’t have a cause to rally behind.

  • Need to be responsible/have a cause or mission.
  • Need to accomplish.
  • Need to work/be busy.
  • Does not apply.

52. You frequently write letters to the editor to correct injustices and wrongs.

  • Need to have a cause or mission/duty/responsible.
  • Need to be right.
  • Need for honesty/integrity.
  • Does not apply.

53. You have to have the last word in an argument.

  • Need to be right.
  • Need to win.
  • Need for power/control.
  • Does not apply.

54. You can’t stand being wrong.

  • Need to be right.
  • Need to win.
  • Does not apply.

55. You go the extra mile when you have someone to encourage you.

  • Need to be useful/needed.
  • Need to be supported/encouraged.
  • Does not apply.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Life Is a Gift

Life Is a Gift

before you say an unkind word - Think of someone who can't speak.

you complain about the taste of your food - Think of someone who has nothing to eat.

you complain about your husband or wife - Think of someone
who's crying out to GOD for a companion.

before you complain about life - Think of someone who died too earlyon this earth.

you complain about your children - Think of someone who
desires children but they're barren.

you argue about your dirty house someone didn't clean or
sweep - Think of the people who are living in the streets.

whining about the distance you drive Think of someone who
walks the same distance with their feet.

And when
you are tired and complain about your job - Think of the
unemployed, the disabled, and those who wish they had your

before you think of pointing the finger or condemning
another -Remember that not one of us is without sin.

And when
depressing thoughts seem to get you down –
Put a smile on
your face and think: you're alive and still around.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Jalan Orang Kuat muka 19

Milikilah Semangat Mengkritik!

Apa saja topik tidak mengapa.
Berita semasa atau apa saja yang berlaku dalam dunia hiburan juga boleh.
Sukan mungkin yang paling sesuai.

Apa saja yang engkau fikirkan tentang apa yang berlaku di hadapan matamu -
harus sentiasa engkau berikan pendapat dan kritikan.
Boleh lakukan dalam hati juga.
Janganlan membiarkan sesuatu yang terjadi berlalu begitu sahaja.

Hanya membaca akhbar, menonton TV. berak dan tidur, tidak akan memberi sebarang perkembangan dalam dirimu.

Sentiasalah mengulang-ulang di fikiran -
'bagiku, ini yang aku fikir, aku rasa, aku percaya, aku ingin kata' -
tentang sesuatu atau apa saja!

Janganlah menjadi seperti orang bodoh yang apabila ditanya, hanya mampu menjawab -
'entahlah', 'biasa saja', 'biasalah tu','tak ada apa-apa','saya tak kisah...'
Orang seperti ini, lambat laun akan hilang jatidiri, tidak akan dipedulikan orang untuk pandangannya.

Sentiasalah menempa pemikiran sendiri, pendirian sendiri.
Kemudian, jadilah seorang yang kritikal sedaya-upayamu.

Habiskan dengan -
'Aku fikir begini, begini, begini...'

special nod to mr kritik of VF

Monday, December 7, 2009

Jalan Orang Kuat muka18

page 18.
Life Is A Serious Business.

Kehidupan - adalah suatu perkara yang besar, bukan main-main.
Kehidupan adalah satu pekerjaan, satu tugasan yang berat.
Pada masa yang sama, kehidupan adalah satu perjalanan yang panjang.

Keberhasilan, kegagalan, ketawa dan air mata - kehidupan mempunyai segala ragam.
Di mana ada cinta, di situ ada benci.
DI mana ada kejayaan, ada juga kekalahan.
Dalam setiap kehidupan, kegembiraan dan kesedihan silih berganti, seperti drama swasta di TV.

Kerana itulah, dalam semua keadaan - rancanglah tindakanmu untuk kehidupan yang akan engkau lalui.

Janganlah hanya menurut arus membawamu hanyut, ke dasar entah di mana. Kehidupanmu - engkaulah yang harus mengurusnya.
Mind Your Own Business! (<--ni tambahan je :D)

Untuk kehidupanmu yang seterusnya, bagaimana kau akan melaluinya?
Pertama, apa perancanganmu?

Jalan Orang Kuat Intro dan Muka 17

デキルヤツになれ! Be a Man!

A message, not from your superior or your parents, but from your brother.

ページ17.Page 17.
Don't try to be a person likable by all.

Marilah berbaik-baik dengan semua orang~
Hentikan! Jangan fikirkan begitu!
Kadang-kadang, jadilah orang yang dibenci!
Kadang-kadang, cari gaduh ataupun bertikam lidah!
Jangan fikirkan siapa lawanmu. Lebih hebat lebih baik.
Kepada ketua atau senior - protes and komplen sebanyak-banyaknya.

Hanya tersenyum dan bermanis muka dengan siapa sahaja lambat laun akan menghilangkan kewujudan dirimu, dan kau akan dipermainkan orang-orang.

Siapa dirimu?
Untuk menjadi dirimu yang sebenar, pasti ada terjadi satu atau dua perbalahan atau pertelingkahan, atau sekurang-kurangnya perselisihan pendapat.
Dan pastinya ada seorang dua yang tidak layak untuk perkataan 'maaf' darimu.
Ini adalah lumrah kehidupan.

Seorang yang tidak mampu bertengkar, tidak akan mampu menanam kepercayaan, memelihara kepentingan atau menarik perhatian.

Apatah lagi menjadi Orang Kuat.


alright, here is my first post about this book, titled DEKIRU YATSU NI NARE!
loosely translated into - Be Someone Who Can, or, Be a Man (some people may think that this will imply that woman does not need to bothered to read this...but again, woman does not need to be told to be someone who can...).

I want to try and see if I can get somewhere with this book.
if anything, my version of this book will be 'Jalan Orang Kuat'

raygour and out.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Dale Carnegie - Don't Argue

as posted on VF.
Posted On: Thu, 02 Jul 2009 12:07:00 AM

guess we need to learn a little from Dale Carnegie.

sedikit suntingan dari buku terkenal dale carnegie. muka surat 115.


there is only one way to get the best of an argument - and that is to avoid it.
9/10 dari setiap argument (apa dah dlm BM?), berakhir dengan setiap pihak bertambah yakin bahawa merekalah yang benar-benar benar.

you can't win an argument. you can't because if you lose it, you lose it; and if you win it, you lose it. KENAPA? well, suppose you triumph over the other man and shoot his argument full of holes and prove that he is non compos mentis. then what? you will feel fine. but what about him? you have made him feel inferior. you have hurt his pride. he will resent your triumph. and -

(Orang yang diyakinkan dengan sesuatu yang bertentangan dengan kemahuannya sendiri tetaplah tidak berubah keyakinannya)

it will be an empty victory because you will never get your opponent's good will.

pantun inggeris:
Here lies the body of William Jay
Who died maintaining his right of way -
He was right, dead right, as he sped along,
But he's just as dead as if he were wrong.

anda mungkin betul, sangat betul, as you speed along in your argument; BUT AS FAR AS CHANGING ANOTHER'S MIND IS CONCERNED, YOU WILL PROBABLY BE JUST AS FUTILE AS IF YOU WERE WRONG.

'better give your path to a dog than be bitten by him in contesting for the right. even killing the dog would not cure the bite'

rajinnya saya menulis dari buku ini.

harapnya anda semua jangan berhenti dari berbalas-balas pendapat dalam tajuk-tajuk lain. semuanya sangat membuka fikiran dan menambah pengetahuan.

cuma jangan berlebih-lebihan sehingga 'calling names' dsb, tu dah lari dari argument.

good day to all.