21 Ways to Meet and Marry TWOYD
by Brian Tracy.
1. Decide EXACTLY What You Want
- What you want more, less, not at all
- Describe everything!
- Set your standard High!!
2. Develop a Positive Mental Attitude
- Yourself, your life
- Be a complete optimist
- Good sense of humor
- Think only about things you want
- Think about the future
- The best is yet to come
- Think about the solution rather than the problem itself
- Proactive rather than reactive
- Do not wait things to happen, make things happen!
- Have unrealistic expectation of success
- Dare to try and endure longer
- Look for good in every situation, and how to benefit from every situation/problem
3. Look Like a Winner In Every Aspect
- Women are very visual, and impression lasts long
- Dress properly, dress for success!
- Buy clothes that look good on you, and can boost your confident
- Maintain good physical condition, look your very best you can!
4. Cast a Wide Net
- Expose yourself to more women
- Where mostly TWOYD hang out?
- Fish where the fishes are!
- Join any activity, seminar, course etc
- Increase the likelihood you will meet TWOYD
5. Become Actively Involve In Your Business and Community
~ Cast a Wide Net, Fish Where the Fishes Are ~
- Accept any invitation to social function
- Volunteer etc
6. Talk the Talk, Walk the Walk
- Be fairly knowledgeable about matter that women like
- Read women magazine, ask their opinion about article etc (most men don’t do this, so you will stand out among the rest)
7. Be Smart About Money
- The ability to provide
- Given a choice, intelligent women will choose money-prepared guy
- Pay yourself first, save! 10% of your income. And more
- If you have money in your pocket (or bank), you are different man!
- - women can actually feel your presence! your aura! your strength!
8. Look For a Winning Attitude
- Positive and cheerful most of the time
- Future oriented, situation oriented (like yourself)
- Talk about where she is going, and how to get there
- Optimistic, confident about the future
- Inner strength that comes from positive mental attitude
People Don’t Change!
In fact, under pressure, they become even more so
And success didn’t change people either, they become more of what they already are ( if they even have success at all )
People Don’t Change
What You See Is What You Get
Look for quality that you are happy with
Don’t Compromise!
9. Increase Your Self-Confidence
- your level of self-confidence
- more confident = more sex appeal
- self-confidence is based on your self-esteem ( how much you like yourself )
- Self-Esteem = Core of your personality
- The more you like yourself, the better you Feel, the better you Do
- How much you like yourself = how much you like other people = how much people like you
- I Like Myself! I Like Myself! I Like Myself!
10. Develop a Clear Sense of Direction
Set Goal for Every Area of Your Life:
Financial Goals,
Career Goals,
Health Goals,
Personal Development Goals,
Relationship Goals,
Set a Clear, Written Goals:
7 simple steps of Goal setting and Achieving
1- Decide exactly what you want
2-Write it down in clear, specific details
3-Set a deadline, and sub-deadline
4-Make a list of Things To Do
5-Organize a list into a plan, by sequence and priority
6-Take ACTION Immediately. GET BUSY!!
7-Do something EVERYDAY that moves you towards your most important goals. Do Something Every Single Day.
1- List 10 goals you want to achieve in 12 months
2- Pick 1 goal that will have Greatest Impact on your life
3- Set a deadline, Make a plan, take action, Do something everyday.
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