Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Know Your Enemy
by someone: Quantum12 at 2010-03-04 18:54 CET:
For centuries now, people have been indoctrinated into the notion that competition is BENEFICIAL to the species. It's insane.
People actually believe that working against each other is the best thing for humanity. They are brainwashed into thinking that fighting for the same small portion of resources passed down from the top of the pyramid is the smartest thing to do.
How much longer will people be this stupid? When will they learn that the entire purpose of dividing us is precisely so that we can never rise to facilitate change? There is no trust because everyone wants the same jobs, the same resources and the same small percentage of wealth. Over 95 percent of the world's wealth is owned by less than 1 percent of the population.
The answer to fighting crime isn't to put more police on the streets. Crime can only be defeated by removing the inequality that gives people the incentive to commit it in the first place. Politicians know this but are trapped in the system just like everybody else. Political success requires massive amounts of funding to be pumped into campaigns and advertising. I assure you that the poor don't pay for this.
When will people learn who their enemies are?
Did slavery end, or did it just evolve into something more nefarious and cunning?
I say wake the fuck up. It starts with you, America. Evil happens when good men do nothing. Capitalism must end or the human race will not survive.
P.S. There are three things you can do to help.
1) The system isolates people from one another by giving them conflicting interests from their competition. The way it hides this is by uniting the people in hatred of something else.
Unity is everything provided we face the right enemy. Tell people who the enemy is. They will not believe you, so be patient and persist. Do not let ignorance destroy us.
2) Do not have anything to do with the military.
The military takes orders from the government, but the government takes orders from the banking industry. War is about profit because the system is a business and not a charity. The best way to convince men to fight is to make them want to fight. Think about it.
Don't fall for the jingoism bullshit. There are no great pieces of land, just great people.
3) Know your enemy.
The system that lets most people suffer in poverty and a few to wallow in self-indulgence because of bloodline or blind luck is the enemy. This is the same system the Romans used, and will end in the same way. The greed of a few is holding back evolution for the rest.
The heart of the enemy is the banking industry. The banking industry perpetuates debt and most horrifyingly of all, it keeps people static. It weighs them down with car loans, mortgages, personal finance, stock options, credit cards, overdrafts etc..... The point is to keep you in permanent debt, and therefore an employee of the bank until you die. Everybody works for the banks: the only difference lies between those that know it and those that don't.
Strike the heart.
( is it this one? http://www.wowhead.com/?spell=55262#comments )
**reynn writes: hmm.. i wouldn't be surprised..creating diversion is a universal lame tactic..yup the banking people are the the enemy..like stated in "the new world order"..the illuminati. so could it be the time has come to go against the tide..wow thingy..could be..however..
Monday, March 15, 2010
Singing Can Change Your Life!
by: Beth Lawrence
If you love to sing, then you`re already aware that singing is fun, energizing and a
great stress reducer. But if you`re one of millions who claim ` can`t sing!` then I
suggest that you consider singing as an absolutely free, non-prescription, safe and
effective life-enhancing tool. If you`re facing physical, emotional or mental
challenges, or if you just want more peace and happiness, here are 10 ways singing can change your life!
1. Promotes deep breathing!
As you begin to use `full body breathing` with a relaxed, soft belly, you allow the
diaphragm to drop down, giving the lungs the freedom to expand more fully.
Relaxed abdominals are essential for proper breath support while singing. I like to
think of `filling up like a balloon` when I sing. This gives firm, active breath support
and allows for deep, full breathing. Singing promotes slow, deep, healthy
2. Oxygenates the blood!
As you use full body breathing, you are bringing in a greater volume of air. Oxygen
floods the blood system, bathing the cells in life-giving oxygen. You will feel more
alive as you breath deeply and fill yourself with energizing, oxygenated air! Singing oxygenates the blood!
3. Stimulates brain activity!
Singing requires thought. You are memorizing lyrics, melodies and rhythms, as well as connecting words with emotion. Your `singer`s breathing` technique is bringing more oxygen to the brain. Your brain`s neurons are firing furiously as you are integrating the physical, emotional and psychological functions necessary to joyful singing! Singing stimulates brain activity!
4. Releases `feel good` endorphins!
All this physical, neurological and emotional activity serves to release those `feel-
good` hormones called endorphins. So not only is your audience benefiting from
your lovely voice, but you are being flooded with happy hormones that give you a
sense of peace and well-being. Singing feels fantastic because it releases `feel
good` endorphins!
5. Reduces stress!
When you feel good, your stress level goes down. Endorphins help diminish stress
and agitation. By using deep, full body breathing you slow the heart rate and take
your mind off of unwanted anxiety. The next time you feel stressed or overwhelmed,
take a full body breath, and break out singing! Your stress will fly away as you reap
the benefit of joyful singing!
6. Builds self-confidence!
Speaking in public is still the #1 fear for Americans. Singing ranks right up there for
most of us. Singing is a risk-taking behavior because you`re putting yourself out
there in a very exposed way. It dredges up all our insecurities and self-imposed
limitations. When you dare to share your voice and music, a fantastic thing
happens. It`s like walking through fire. You overcome your fear, and emerge with
an incredible sense of accomplishment. You did it! Your self-esteem soars and you feel that you can do anything! Singing builds self-confidence in a BIG way!
7. Enhances memory!
Singing involves memorization as you learn new melodies, lyrics and complex
musical forms. It`s a great way to stimulate the areas of the brain involved with
memory, learning and concentration. Use it, or lose it! Singing is a great way to
enhance your memory!
8. Boosts creativity!
As you build your self-esteem and stimulate your artistic soul, you`ll find that all
areas of your life are positively affected by the act of singing. Suddenly you`ve
opened the floodgates of your creative soul, and you begin thinking outside the
box! Your productivity soars! By tapping into your creative reservoir you become
more alive and innovative! Singing boosts creativity!
9. Creates a powerful speaking voice!
If you`re a speaker, presenter, teacher, clergy or in any sales related business (aren`t we all??), you will benefit from learning to sing. Your voice is your instrument, no matter what you do in life, and singing gives you the skills to speak in a natural, powerful, confident voice. Everyone benefits from proper singing technique. You`ll discover your `true` voice that will reveal your confident, authentic self. Finding your voice is a joy. Singing creates a powerful speaking voice!
10. Makes you feel fantastic!
Singing makes you feel self-assured, in control, physically alive and fantastically
creative. It feeds your soul as it creates physical well-being. With increased self-
confidence you can do anything! Physical, mental and emotional health is a great
side effect of singing. There`s no doubt about it, singing makes you feel fantastic!
About the Author
Beth Lawrence is the only expert in the country teaching The Integrated Voice method, a holistic approach to voice coaching and therapy honoring the connection of body, mind and spirit. Beth is the CEO of Viva La Voice!, a company offering private coaching, workshops in the performing arts, and music camps for women.
**reynn writes: makes executing and presenting your homework worthwhile and beneficial kan.. ;)
Thursday, March 4, 2010
The Language of Men: Understanding Your Husband’s Needs
As salamu ‘alaykum
What do you think should be as a wife if a husband always criticize the wife from the way she eat, dress, talk, most of the time putting her down and the husband feels superior though she already did what he wants, but it is still not enough for him and still got criticize.
Answer by Dr Karima K Burns(Naturopathic Doctor, Herbalist – Waldorf School of Thought )
This situation can happen with husbands and with wives and can sometimes indicate an abusive relationship, however, usually it indicates a mutually dissatisfying situation for both spouses. You have not indicated you are being abused in this enquiry, provided details about yourself or examples of specific situations so I will approach the situation using the second scenario. Additionally, since you have written to me (and not your husband) I am going to approach the question with a solution that you can try yourself.
If you were seeing a counselor together or your husband had asked this question I would have a slightly different answer. However, there is one rule in relationships that has stood true across all time – you can only guarantee change if you work on your own problems. There is never any guarantee with others, as their actions and feelings are beyond your control.
Because of this it would be useless for me to provide you with information about what your husband could do. I am providing information about what you can do, and how you can understand the situation more clearly. Not because you are at fault or the only person at fault, but because, since you have asked for help, I want to give YOU the tools to regain control of your happiness in this marriage.
In the second scenario I mentioned above, the marriage has become unbearable for both spouses and the focus has turned to criticism instead of love and understanding. You may perceive that only your husband is being critical. However, your e-mail indicates that you are also critical of him. In your e-mail you are stating that your husband “puts down his wife” ,that he “feels superior”, that he is “not satisfied with what he has” and that he “criticizes his wife.”
These are four very negative statements about your husband. He most likely can sense that you feel these negative feelings towards him (and perhaps more?). Even if you don’t express these feelings he can feel this in two ways. If you do express negative feelings he will feel this in three ways:
1. If you express sadness, negative feelings, dissatisfaction, anger, etc…he will feel you are not happy with him. He wants to be able to make you happy. Knowing you are unhappy will make him very unhappy.
2. If you feel these feelings about him and do not verbalize them they will come out in non-verbal ways and he will sense them.
3. A man’s sense of worth in a marriage is often tied to his feeling of self-worth as a husband and father. A man, to be happy in a marriage, needs to feel he is a good husband and father and that he is taking good care of his family. If you are not letting him know or feel he is successful then he will be unhappy and be more likely to reflect this back to you.
This is different from what makes a woman happy in a marriage. Women are often happiest when their husband and children show that they love her. Women also want to feel they are able to make their families happy. However, most prominently, they thrive on feelings of love in the relationship. Although men also need love, men thrive more on accomplishment in the relationship.
When your husband feels successful and able to make you happy he will be more and more encouraged to continue this behavior. This may seem impossible. You may be thinking, “How can I let him know he makes me happy when he isn’t making me happy?”
To accomplish this you need to turn your focus from the negative and be able to reflect back to him, for some time, only the positive aspects of what he is doing for you as a husband. Forget, for a time, the things he is doing “wrong” and focus on and communicate to him the things he is doing “right”.
Does he support you financially? Is he handsome? Does he thank you for the meals you cook? Is he kind to his family? What good qualities does he have that you are thankful for? Why did you first love him? Why did you first marry him? Does he still have some of these qualities? Let him know about these things daily.
It may take some time for you to see some change. It depends on how long you have been married, how long this negative situation has been going on, and how dedicated and sincere you are in trying to change it.
If you can give this some effort and be patient, and give him some time to trust you again and really hear you, he will start to feel safe again in the relationship and will feel free to stop criticizing you and start complimenting you and enjoying your company.
Initially he may not trust what you are saying, or he may be so used to hearing critical things he may not understand what you are saying or really hear you at first. So please be patient and continue. Only the most severe of situations can withstand the force of so much positive energy. If you are able to infuse this relationship with as much positive energy as possible – in as many ways as you can think of – he will be unable to resist the “new mood” of the house and will naturally fall into the new patterns you have created. It may take a little time (1-3 months) but it will happen Insha-Allah.
Source: muslimmarriages.wordpress.com